If you’re like most executives, you might be interested in learning how to improve your leadership skills. After all, studies from Harvard and elsewhere show that effective leadership skills are an important part of any executive’s career journey.
By now, you’re probably well-versed in the standard practices for good leaders — effective communication skills, high emotional intelligence, attention to detail, etc. But where do you go once you’ve learned the basics?
That’s what the video below is designed to show you. The techniques in the video are things you might not have thought about or things that you needed to be reminded of.
So, with all that in mind, check out the video and see how many of these 5 skills you’re already practicing.
About the Author: Jamie Turner is an internationally recognized author, university professor, and management consultant who speaks about leadership, persuasion, and marketing at events and conferences around the globe. He is a regular guest on CNN and HLN, where he delivers segments on marketing, persuasion, and leadership. Jamie is the co-author of several essential business books, including How to Make Money with Social Media, Go Mobile, and An Audience of One. Jamie’s YouTube channel was designated one of the “Top 10 Business YouTube Channels” in the nation by Wishpond.com.