Get In Touch
If you're interested in having Jamie conduct an Unspoken Rules of Leadership workshop for your organization, email him at Jamie@JamieTurner.Live, or by using the contact information below. Jamie is an internationally recognized author, university professor, and management consultant who speaks about leadership, persuasion, and marketing at events and conferences around the globe.
You may have seen Jamie in Inc., Entrepreneur, Business Insider, or Forbes. He's also a regular guest on network TV news programs where he delivers segments on marketing, persuasion, and leadership. Jamie is the co-author of several essential business books, including How to Make Money with Social Media, Go Mobile, and An Audience of One (to be published by McGraw-Hill in September of 2021).
Jamie's YouTube channel was designated one of the "Top 10 Business YouTube Channels" in the nation by Wishpond.com.