Why Envisioning Our Ideal Utopia Isn’t as Naïve as it Might Sound. (In fact it might be exactly what we need).

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What comes to mind when you hear the word “Utopia”? Innocence, naiveté, or even a false promise used to mislead people into dystopia? Our wariness of the word is understandable, but we may have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction. The majority of our stories and narratives about the future are dystopian – The Terminator, Black Mirror, …

How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Living

In Mindset by Jamie TurnerLeave a Comment

Would you like to stop procrastinating?  Do you want to learn 5 simple techniques you can use to get more stuff done more quickly than ever before? If so, stick around, because I’m about to show you 5 science-based techniques you can use to stop procrastinating today. Let’s start by unpacking why you procrastinate in the first place. One reason …

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating Now

In Mindset by Jamie TurnerLeave a Comment

Would you like to learn how to stop procrastinating? Is procrastination holding you back from accomplishing everything you want in your career? If so, stick around, because I’ll show you 5 science-based techniques you can use to stop procrastinating today. Let’s start by unpacking why you procrastinate in the first place. One reason people procrastinate is because they believe that …

Why Your Ego Might Prevent You From Achieving Leadership Mastery — And How Mindfulness Can Help

In Mindset by Jamie Turner1 Comment

By Gaëtan Pellerin, Author of Mindful NEGOtiation Most leaders struggle in their roles because they don’t understand what leadership entails. They are often attracted to leadership for the wrong reasons: they want to prove themselves or be seen. They want to control others or increase their power. They want to make more money. They want to communicate their way as …

A Simple Formula for Success in Life and in Business

In Mindset by Jamie TurnerLeave a Comment

You know, life can get messy sometimes. You try your hardest to make things work — with friends, with co-workers, with loved ones — and things don’t always turn out as you planned. The good news is that there’s a solution. And it’s a simple one. So simple that I’ve included it in the short video below. Check it out. …

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How to Meditate: A Guide for Beginners

In Mindset by Jamie TurnerLeave a Comment

Would you like to learn how to meditate? I’m often asked by friends and family to teach them how to meditate. “You probably already meditate,” I tell them. “Jogging, prayer, silent communion with Nature – these are all forms of meditation that people do all the time.” That said, if you’re interested in learning more about other forms of meditation, …